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Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching
14 Day Trial
69£Personal Training and 1-2-1 Weight Loss/Nutrition PackageValid for 14 days- 2x Zoom Small Group PT sessions/wk(5am, 6am or 6.30pm GMT)
- Goals and lifestyle analysis
- Training plan including "own sessions" programming
- 1-2-1 Nutrition and Weight Loss Coaching ("Lean on Me")
- Personalised calorie and macro plan
- Support via WhatsApp and email
- Weekly check-ins with video feedback & monthly coaching call
- "Alex Wilmot Personal Training" Cook Book
- Regular nutrition webinars
- e.g. "How to manage cravings"
- 14 Day trial valid for 14 consecutive days
- 0500 and 0600 sessions currently run on Weds and Fri
- 1830 sessions on Tues and Thurs
If paying for the programme in full, no refund will be due if you fail to complete the programme. If paying in weekly or monthly instalments, full payment is due for the duration of the programme until paid in full. No refunds given for failure to complete the programme.
Prices: PaidPlans
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