Ever give up because you can’t do all the things you wanted to do?
When starting a new fitness regime, do you get side-tracked and feel a failure because you’ve missed the gym because one of the kids is ill?
Or had to resort to McDonald’s that day you were FACKING starving, and would have passed out if you hadn’t screeched into the Drive-Thru?
We’ve all been there, whether with our studies, fitness goals, work…even housework!
So if you want to try a technique that’s quite effective in nipping that behaviour in the bud, read on.
I’ve spent countless hours over the last few months, writing content I never post.
I procrastinate over it not reading quite right.
Or end up not having enough time to put together the graphics for it.
And something interesting happened whilst visiting family over in Canada.
First of all, after a few weeks away from posting content on a regular basis, I felt ready to get back to it again.
But then got stopped in my tracks because I couldn’t upload ANY media to the internet via my PC.
So I was stuffed.
But what this led to, was me resorting to uploading blogs and emails without the graphics.
Which saved me time messing around doing the latter.
And actually allowed me to become more productive.
Which is why you’re seeing me more often in your inbox, all of a sudden :-D
Now… am I comfortable with the fact I can’t upload posts on Facebook, so can’t get my message out on there too?
No, not really.
BUT something is better than nothing, right?!
Because what’s the alternative?
Doing naff all.
And that’s not going to get any of us anywhere.
So when you find yourself throwing in the towel because you…
…”don’t have the right food in”,
…”haven’t signed up to the gym yet”,
…”aren’t fit enough for the gym yet”,
…”the kids are off school, so can’t do it now”,
…”am going on holiday soon, so it’s not the right time to start”,
…”have a tight work deadline”,
…etc., etc., etc.
Remember that you don’t have to do everything right from the off.
In fact, not many people can.
Just concentrate on what you CAN do EASILY and crack on with that.
It means that progress is being made.
And that’s precisely what you need to get one step closer to your goals.
Because it’s never the “right time” – take it from me who had intentions of pumping out three emails a day whilst away and family could take the helm with G. That didn’t happen, did it?!
Not quite sure what you need to do, or having a hard time nailing down what you should start with?
Then book in for a free consultation call, where we’ll chat about your current circumstances, and find something easy to start you off with.
One week from now, you’ll be feeling more empowered and in control.
Trust me (I’m a coach); it works.
Your Personal Trainer (the last you'll ever need),